Thursday, 25 September 2008

Welcome to Virtual Place

Welcome to the Virtual-Place forums. We're a friendly community and we are happy about new members!

To support our community please make a donation below:

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vPlaceLive Community

Welcome to Virtual-Place. We're a friendly webmaster community and we are happy about new members! :)

Read Me


Step One - Register

Welcome to the Virtual Place - VP forums. We're a friendly community and we are happy about new members!

If you haven't already registered, please do so immediately. Nobody gets anywhere in life without a VP Membership.

After you have registered you will be listed here, in the memberlist.

Step Two - Your User CP

Once you've registered, check out your User Control Panel. If anybody has liked what you said and given you Reputation Points, you'll be able to see who gave you those points and what they said about you there.

You'll also find a link to edit your avatar.

Another thing you'll want to do in your User Control Panel is edit your profile.
We've recently added several fields for you to fill out so you can tell the community what kind of person you are. Don't want tell us your favorite color? Fine - it's optional.

After you have signed up can also set up your signature in the User CP right away!
Just remember that we do not allow more than four links.

Step Three - Browse The Site

Contrary to popular opinion, the Virtual Place site is more than just the forums. We also have these exciting areas for you to explore:

Virtual Place Live Homepage - Be updated about our news

Chatroom @ Virtual Place - Chat with people and have fun.

Blog @ Virtual Place - Join our blog community for free

Sponsors @ Virtual Place - Become a sponsor of VP

Marketplace @ Virtual Place - Post your web related RFQ/ RFP, or find a job.

Webdirectories @ Virtual Place - List your website here for FREE! Enjoy the traffic and a warm fuzzy feeling for helping to support a community that supports you.

For more information about VP - our history and our philosophy, check out our Forums Archive page and our Blog Archive @ Virtual Place

This is our membersbook: Sign Our Guestbook!

The Forum Feedback Section is now Open for the public.
There can give us unregistered users there feedback about our community, why they would join - and then do it - or not.

We also have special sections and private forums on the board @ VP:

This is the First Special Section, which is only accessible by Registered Members, which means, you have signed up here to view the conent and to post in it. We also locked down some other sections too.
That forum is called "Special Section" and can be used to discuss anything you don't want the public (or search engines) to see.

This Second Special Section is called "Private Forum" and is only accessible by VP-Mentors, which means you have a post count of 100.
But the most important thing is, that you have signed up, after that it will be easy to get a high postcount: So register here now!

After you have registered, you can go on reading:

We love our members @ Virtual-Place so we are running a vBulletin board for you. The best forum software ever!

There are also other speicials, which we have on the board:
Another thing is the language chooser: We installed to language profiles. So you are able to read the forum options in English language and German language

We also created more than one vBulletin styles (and still adding more) which you can check out.

=> Hope you will like it and have fun!

When you have registered you are able to join our referral system:
For more informations, please read the FAQ's and have a look @ this forum.
So please use my referer link to register.

Before you post, you might want to read the FAQ's and the rules. This could save us both some trouble and make your stay more enjoyable.

Please read the general FAQ and the following Rules.


1. Advertising your products, services or website is strictly prohibited in all forums except for the Webmaster Marketplace.

2. Sending private messages to members asking them to check out your website or join your forum is not only pathetic,
it's also grounds for immediate revocation of membership.

3. Members should be respectful and courteous to other members. Rudeness to other members is cause for revocation of membership privileges.

4. No links to adult content please.

5. Signatures may contain no more than four links.

6. Offensive language is not permitted.

7. Please post your topic in the most suitable forum. SEO topics should be posted in, oddly enough, the SEO forum.
Coding topics should be posted in the coding forum, not the General Section.

8. Please use a descriptive subject title when posting new threads. Help! is not a descriptive subject title.
Need help choosing a domain; is a much more descriptive and useful subject title. Those are just 8 simple rules to follow.

This thread will help you also.
For more informations or help contact us @ the Forum Support Section.

NOTE: We would be happy when you could start your first thread in the New Member Introduction Section. This is to have an overview about our growing community.

=> Enjoy the company of other webmasters and keep it fun.

Please read this thread for more informations

Remember: We are searching for quality posters which can be moderators of special forum sections! click here
But do not forget that you HAVE TO make your FIRST post in the NEW MEMBER INTRODUCTION SECTION

NOTE: I know that we are currently running a not so professional webspace with an annoying ad that slides in.
That's because we did not earn a lot of money until yet - but we are working on it.
You could support us by joining our community or donate us some money via PayPal. Read here
Do not worry because this ad will disappear after you have signed up and joined our forum - i promise.
It appears as long as you are not logged in - or better to say as long as you have not registered.

Nobody is too cool to be a non-member of this place, so register today! - vPlaceLive: Virtual Place - VP
__________________ Contact us @

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Read the rules and obey them to have more fun on the board together!